Belarusian Political Science Review Volume 3, 2014-2015

We are glad to present you a digital version of the third volume of Belarusian Political Science Review. Full texts from the 3d volume, 2014-2015, are available in electronic format on the journal’s website.

Here the contents are offered to your attention.

bpsr3Belarusian Political Science Review

Volume 3, 2014-2015


Abstracts / Анатацыі

Political Institutions

Palina Prysmakova. Why Does China Invest in Belarus? Billions of Loans from Perspective of Chinese Local Governments

Dzmitry Isajonak (Dzmitry Isayonak), Tacciana Čyžova (Tatsiana Chyzhova). Evolution of Production Facilities’ Privatisation Model in Belarus from 1990 to 2013: Background, Concepts, Results

Aliaksandr Papko. Towards Predatory State? Origins and Mechanisms of State Offi cials’ Extortion in Russia

History of Ideas

Alieh Dziarnovič (Aleh Dziarnovich). In Search of a Homeland: “Litva/Lithuania” and “Rus’/Ruthenia” in the Modern Belarusian Historiography


Aliaksandr Paharely. A Long-Expected and Timely Book

Aliaksandr Paharely. A Perpetual Borderland

Michael C. Hickey. Jewish Life in Belarus: The Final Decade of the Stalin Regime (1944–1953)

Liuboǔ Kozik (Liubou Kozik). The Myths and Symbolism of Poland’s Independence Day

Andrej Krot (Andrei Krot). Roman Catholic Clergy: The Path to Belarus

Editorial Language Policy and Transliteration Principles

Authors of the Issue

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