Belarusian Political Science Review Volume 2, 2012-2013

Institute’s latest English issue is available in electronic format at the “Political Sphere” and Belarusian Political Science Review websites. We are presenting you the complete texts.


Belarusian Political Science Review

Volume 2, 2012-2013

Title (pdf)

Contents (pdf)

Abstracts (pdf)

Анатацыі (pdf)

Аннотации (pdf)

Santraukos (pdf)

Political Institutions

Vadzim Smok. Regional Political Elite of Belarus and Poland: a Comparative Analysis of Hrodna Region and Podlaskie Voivodeship Institutions and Communities: Historical Dimension (pdf)

Alieh Dziarnovič (Aleh Dziarnovich). Lithuanian Language in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: between Function and Status (pdf)

Andrej Kazakievič, Andrej Asadčy (Andrei Kazakevich, Andrei Asadchy). The Start of Writing in Belarusian. Regional and Social Composition of the Belarusian Revival of the Late 19th – Early 20th Century (pdf)

Zachar Šybieka (Zakhar Shybeko). Jews in Belarusian National Projects from the Beginning of the 19th Century till 1905 (Problem Setting) (pdf)


Foreign Policy

Andžej Pukšto, Mantas Visockas. Relations between the European Union and Belarus in 2004-2012: Contribution of Lithuania (pdf)



Peter Rožič. Between Dictatorship and Democracy (pdf)


Language (pdf)

Authors (pdf)

Last (pdf)

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The new issue of BPSReview (Vol.4 2019) is published. The issue is available here: