Symbolism of money: finances and historical consciousness of Ukraine

Siarhei Kuzniatsou. Symbolism of money: finances and historical consciousness of Ukraine // Political Sphere №11, 2008 p. 89-100 ISSN1819-3625


Images on banknotes are one of the ways of visualizing and distributing knowledge about a certain historical period and fixing it in a nation’s consciousness, thus influencing the national identity. The author analyses the images on the banknotes of the three neighboring countries: Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, studying the common features and differences in their design. The author draws a conclusion about the closeness of the Lithuanian and Ukrainian approaches that influenced their national identities through the banknotes’ images, while Belarusian identity engineers ignored this approach.

Key words:

Political symbols, symbolism of Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine, historical memory, identity construction, finances, money.

Permanent link to full text:

Siarhei Kuzniatsou. Symbolism of money: finances and historical consciousness of Ukraine // Political Sphere №11, 2008 p. 89-100 ISSN1819-3625

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