Short Genealogy of the Crivitian Idea

Andrei Kazakevich Short Genealogy of the Crivitian Idea // Political Sphere №11, 2008 p. 114-123 ISSN1819-3625


The author reviews in the article the main stages of the Crivitian «idea» evolution in the context of Belarusian political thought. The process of Crivitian «idea» development was divided in the article into four periods: the fixation (ХIХ– early ХХ), the conceptualization (in 1920s–40s), an interruption in representation (1950s–80s) and present state (since the end of 1980-ies). The author gives the main characteristics, political and cultural features of each period, along with political analysis of the Crivitian «idea» and its position among the other cultural and political projects.

Key words:

Crivitian «idea», History of ideas, identity, Belarusian identity, nationbuilding in Belarus.

Permanent link to full text:

Andrei Kazakevich Short Genealogy of the Crivitian Idea // Political Sphere №11, 2008 p. 114-123 ISSN1819-3625

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