
On 3-5 October 2014 the Fourth International Congress of Belarusian Studies took place in Kaunas (Lithuania)

This year 422 people took part in the Congress, including scholars, experts, journalists, civil and cultural activists from 23 countries.

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Round table “Ukraine-Belarus: the Prospects of Relations in the New Political and Economic Realities”

The event will take place on Wednesday, 29 October, from 09:30 to 15:00 in BonHotel and is organised by the Centre for European Transformation (Belarus) and the Palessie Fund for International and Regional Initiatives (Ukraine).

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Belarusian Collegium and “Political Sphere” Institute seminar “Institutes and Politics”, 2014-2015

“Institutes and Politics” seminar organised by Belarusian Collegium and “Political Sphere” Institute starts on October 23.

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Working Papers of the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies

Working papers of the Third International Congress of Belarusian Studies that took place 11-13 October 2013 in Kaunas (Lithuania) and gathered about 450 scientists from different countries have been published. We are happy to introduce the contents and the texts of the volume.

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Programme of the 4th International Congress of Belarusian Studies (NEW version)

We are glad to present you the programme of the 4th International Congress of Belarusian Studies (3-5 October 2014, Kaunas, Lithuania)

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Самакіраванне ў Заходняй Беларусі: разыходжанне рэальнасці з намерамі

Борка, А.І. (2011). Мясцовыя органы дзяржаўнага кіравання і самакіравання ў Заходняй Беларусі (1921–1939 гг.). Гродна: ГрДУ, 139 с. Агляд падрыхтаваў Аляксандр Вабішчэвіч

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Штодзённае жыццё ўніяцкага святара: цікавая гісторыя “маленькіх людзей”

Лісейчыкаў, Дзяніс (2011). Штодзённае жыццё ўніяцкага парафіяльнага святара беларуска-літоўскіх зямель 1720-1839. Мінск: Медысонт, 198 с. Агляд падрыхтаваў айцец Андрэй Крот.

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Украінскі пошук дамадэрных ідэнтычнасцяў ва ўсходніх славян

Плахій, Сяргей (2011). Рускі Вавілон. Дамадэрныя ідэнтычнасці ў Расіі, Украіне і Беларусі. Беласток- Вільня: Беларускае гістарычнае таварыства-Інстытут беларусістыкі, 300 с. Агляд падрыхтаваў Аляксандр Казакоў.

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Эпізоды вялікага жыцця

Верас, Зоська (2013). Я помню ўсё. Успаміны, лісты. Гародня-Wrocław: «Гарадзенская бібліятэка», 475 с. Агляд падрыхтаваў Андрэй Вашкевіч.

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Political Sphere #21 (2) 2013. Intellectual Situation

“Political Sphere” journal’s new issue #21 (2) 2013 Intellectual Situation has been published. Introducing its contents and materials.

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Міты і сымбалізм польскага дня незалежнасці

Biskupski M. B. B (2012). Independence Day. Myth, Symbol, and the Creation of Modern Poland. Oxford: Oxford University Press, XVI+200 p. Агляд падрыхтавала Любоў Козік.

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Thinker Ivan Illich’s Belarusian translations published

With the assistance of the “Political Sphere” Institute, another book appeared in the “Green Letter” series. The edition contains two works by a well-known thinker Ivan Illich (1926-2002) titled Energy and Equity and Tools for Conviviality.

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